The following slang terms from the 1990s are used in The Rock Star’s Wife series.
- 4-1-1: Information
- All That And A Bag Of Chips: Good beyond belief.
- All: Used in place of “like.”
- As If: I don’t think so.
- Bounce: A synonym for leaving.
- Bugg’n: Freaking out about something you don’t need to.
- Going Postal: Going crazy, losing it.
- Hella: A lot, very.
- Home Skillett: A close friend.
- No Duh: Utter when someone states the obvious.
- NOT: The exact opposite of whatever was said.
- Oh Snap!: A situation that leaves everyone in surprise and disbelief.
- Salty: Angry for no real reason.
- Take A Chill Pill: Calm down.
- That’s My Name, Don’t Wear It Out!: A smartass comeback.
- Trippin’: Acting like a fool.
- Whatever: Uttered when you don’t agree with someone but don’t want to argue.