Hayley Hancock was born in 1996 in Rochester, Minnesota.
Born on the wrong side of the tracks, she was bullied in school until Cheyenne Cox stopped it. The girls became best friends, but went their separate ways after high school graduation.
Hayley has an older brother. Her father was a gardener, and her mother ran away with the mailman.
Hayley became a fitness instructor. She reconnected with Cheyenne in the 2020s after she posted exercise videos online.
Her last relationship ended because her boyfriend cared more about his job than her.

Connor Cox was born into privilege in 2000 in Rochester, Minnesota.
He was expected to work for the family business but decided to become a professional drummer for a band called Unspoken Vows. As a teenager, he had a crush on Hayley Hancock, his sister’s best friend, though he never told her.
His last girlfriend got tired of him being on the road.

Cheyenne Cox was born into privilege in 1996 in Rochester, Minnesota. She stopped Hayley Hancock from being bullied in school. The girls became best friends, but went their separate ways after high school graduation.
She reconnected with Cheyenne in the 2020s after Hayley, a fitness instructor, posted exercise videos online.
Cheyenne attended Yale where she met her fiancé Owen Hornblower.
She dislikes her brother, Connor.
My Best Friend’s Brother is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.