Main Characters

Cassandra “Cassie” Economos Hardwick is the main female character in The Rock Star’s Wife series. She describes her life in intimate detail in a series of diaries.
Born in March 1979 in Sterling, IL, she’s part of a strict, bilingual Greek family who, at times, can be overbearing, if not dysfunctional. She is the youngest child of Daria and Demetrios Economos and the sister of Chris, Greg and Vanessa.
Cassie loves music more than most people, and her favorite band is Nirvana. She has a crush on Kurt Cobain and wears grunge and band t-shirts almost daily. Her greatest dream is to move to Chicago, much to her family’s chagrin as they want her to get a degree and work at Costas’ Place, the family restaurant.
Everything Cassie knows about sex she learned from health class and erotica books. The books give her unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships, but they also create a new hobby for her — writing dirty little stories. Her parents don’t allow her to date, but Cassie defies this rule and sneaks out. Her high school boyfriends are Keith, Todd (her favorite), Travis and Jason.
Cassie often hangs out with her friends Shawna, Jen, Jenny, Jennifer and Tiffany.
After graduation, she and Jen pierce their bellybuttons.
After becoming Sterling High School salutatorian, Cassie attends the University of Illinois on a full-ride scholarship, rooming with Kelly. The goal is to work in HR and move to Chicago after obtaining her degree. While in college, Cassie works a series of retail jobs before landing a position in an office. Her college friends are Kelly, Dawn, Leah, Sarah and April.
She begins the search for Mr. Right, dating Jesse, Lars, Troy, and Corey. She and Corey fall in love, but their opposing future goals and plans eventually tear them apart.
Cassie graduates with a bachelor’s degree and accepts an assistant manager of human resources position at Jordan Dairy Farms in Vienna-on-the-Lake.
After the breakup with Corey, Cassie does not date for a year. In 2002, she accepts an invitation to a Fourth of July gathering hosted by an acquaintance, Nadine Bergstrom. There, Cassie meets Nadine’s younger brother, Nathaniel, whom Cassie initially claims is not her type. After all, he has brown hair and eyes. However, after spending some time together, the pair hit it off and begin dating.
Cassie and Nat move in together a few months later and marry in November 2003 (a civil ceremony) and May 2024 (a formal ceremony). They have four children together, Megan, Joshua, Sophia and Matthew.
Shawna never met her birth family. As ancestry testing became available, Cassie encouraged Shawna to take a DNA test. Shawna is hesitant, so in a move of solidarity, Cassie takes a test as well in 2018. She believes she’ll uncover no more than a few distant relatives. Instead, she uncovers a family secret. Cassie’s father cheated on her mother for years, and there are four half siblings — Muriel, Eric, Bradley and Jacqueline. Along with all her siblings, she confronts Dad a year later. The discovery is the source of much family drama and guilt. However, Cassie becomes especially close with Muriel and has a good relationship with her other half siblings. In 2023, the siblings discover there is a ninth member — Destiny.

Nathanial “Nat” Hardwick is the main male character in The Rock Star’s Wife series. Born October 2, 1976, in Vienna-on-the-Lake, IL, he is one of nine children. Nat loves pets and kids, but hates elevators and is terrified of needles. His friends include Roger, Dave and Kenny. Nat drives a Mazda Miata that he purchases in July 2002.
His parents didn’t have much money for extras, so he taught himself subjects that interested him such as astronomy.
Along with his siblings, he attended the Ravinia Festival in Highland Park every summer at their father’s insistence. Mr. Hardwick wanted Nat to follow in his footsteps, but Nat preferred the guitar to the cello. Despite his success, his parents don’t understand this choice. Before making it in the music industry, Nat worked in a warehouse picking orders.
Nat dated Brittany for two years. They broke up in November 2000 after he caught her cheating. She cheated on him multiple times and gave him a STD, which left an emotional scar.
Nat met Cassandra at his sister Nadine’s Fourth of July picnic in 2002 and fell for her nearly immediately. He took Cassie on a date the following evening, and the pair moved in together later that year. The couple married legally on November 12, 2003, and for fun on May 28, 2004. The couple occasionally tell each other, “I love you so much I married you twice.” They have four children, Megan, Joshua, Sophia and Matthew.
Nat is the singer, guitarist and lyricist for the metal band Dramatic Sneezer. The band became famous with its single “Winners and Losers.” It has released 11 albums and a greatest hits compilation. He is very career driven to the point of being Type A when it comes to his work and will often rewrite songs after they have already been recorded. In 2010, the band is doing well enough financially that it can cut down on its tour schedule, allowing the bandmembers to spend more time at home.
The COVID-19 pandemic makes Nat extremely nervous about his future and makes him obsessed with news.
Additional Characters in the Rock Star's Wife Series
The Rock Star’s Wife is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.