My Best Friend's Brother by Melina Druga

Help! The rock star groomsman is my best friend’s little brother… and I think I’ve got the hots for him.

The last time I saw Connor Cox, he was a real pest. At 14, who isn’t? He’s nothing like his old, pesky self now. A successful musician and smoking hot to boot, the guy is everything a girl could possibly want — and I think he might be into me.

Never mind think. I know Connor wants me. There’s no denying the animal magnetism drawing us closer. And with his sister encouraging me to get lucky after the festivities are over, it’s getting harder and harder to resist the rock star in the room.

Oh god, what am I saying? I can’t hook up with my best friend’s brother — not with her big blowout of a wedding right around the corner. A tryst between us could ruin everything.

Connor’s parents have always given me the cold shoulder, but learning about something like this would take that snobbery to new heights, even for them.

Then again, maybe that’s exactly what we both need: a way to stick it to the Coxes, once and for all.

Coming Soon