With Nat on the road so much with Dramatic Sneezer, he and Cassandra, the main characters in The Rock Star’s Wife series, decide to use natural family planning methods. That way Cassie can avoid having artificial hormones, and their side effects, coursing through her body when Nat’s not home for weeks at a time. Nat benefits from the fact he loves children and if the methods fail from time to time, he’s cool with it.
The Hardwicks use a combination of counting fertile days and withdrawal method.
Natural Family Planning Methods

Natural family planning methods work best when two or more types are used
When used correctly, these methods have an effectiveness rate of around 90 percent, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Effectiveness increases if used correctly and paired with another method. The methods are:
- Counting days: A woman keeps track of her menstrual cycle to determine when her fertile days occur.
- Basal body temperature: A woman takes her temperature every day before getting out of bed. There will be a small spike in temperature around ovulation.
- Cervical mucus: A woman tracks cervical mucus changes throughout her cycle to determine when she’s fertile.
- Withdrawal/pulling out method/coitus interruptus: A man pulls out of his partner when he can no longer delay or stop ejaculation.
- Lactational amenorrhea method: A breastfeeding mother whose period has not returned with a child six months or younger can use this method to delay ovulation.
- Abstinence: Refraining from having sex during a woman’s fertile period.
No matter the method(s) chosen, a trusting, committed relationship is essential.
“Fertility awareness or natural family planning methods require training, commitment, discipline, and determination in order to be most effective,” Very Well Healthy says. “You and your partner need to be able to communicate, trust, and cooperate with each other.”
Here’s the 4-1-1
This blog is a companion piece to Sex & Surprises available in eBook, paperback and hardcover. Cassandra Hardwick wouldn’t trade having her globetrotting husband home for anything, but will their barely tested parenting plans hold up when a new baby gets added to the mix? Buy now.
To listen to the songs mentioned in The Rock Star’s Wife series, follow The Rock Star’s Wife on Spotify.
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