
Scooter is a Scottish Terrier born in 2000.  Nat adopted him from animal hoarders in 2003 as a guard dog.  However, it becomes clear that Scooter is more a lap dog than a guard dog.

Whenever Cassie and Nat are both out of town, Scooter stays with relatives.


Maisie is an indoor-outdoor cat with fur the color of chocolate-caramel fudge.  She lives next door to Cassie and Nat with Nora and Ernie.  When the couple moves away in 2004, Cassie and Nat adopt Maisie.


Daisy is a golden retriever Nat adopts as a puppy to surprise Megan and Josh in 2012.  A patient and faithful friend to the children, she often allows Sophie to groom her and paint her claws.


Patches is a cat, Cassie and Nat adopt in 2014 as a kitten.  His name comes from multi-colored fur.