The sawmill that stood in Deseronto, Ontario, in the 1850s. Photo Credit: Public domain.
Politics in 1850s Canada was far from straightforward.  What is now modern day Canada was a […]
The locomotive Essex on the Great Western Railway, Canada, at Clifton Depot by the Niagara River in 1859. Public domain.
Transportation in the 1850s reflected a mid-19th century world that was on the brink of industrialization. […]
A view of just how hilly and uneven the foundation of Quebec was from across the St. Lawrence River, 1850. In the foreground Native Americans can be seen interacting with Quebecóis, and on this particular day the St. Lawrence wass especially crowded with vessels heading in all directions. Public domain.
Canada in the 1850s was going through an identity crisis.  It was less radical than the […]
Fugitive Slaves in Canada poster
Numbers vary widely, but as many as 100,000 slaves escaped north via the Underground Railroad, the […]
Arsenic was in many products including poison wallpaper as satirized in this political cartoon
We are slaves to fashion – both in our wardrooms and in our homes.  This also […]
Boss Tweed political cartoon
Corruption always has been a part of American politics. No one exemplifies this more than William […]
Participants of the Fenian Raids
Those fears were heightened during the American Civil War. After the war’s end, Canada was attacked […]